vagrant Ubuntu docker - Oracle Linux images |
In this Article I am not dicuss about from the scratch What is docker etc. I'm not talking about Virtualization vs Containerization.
Create testnode1 folder on the Windows machine. I've created on F:\testnode1.
The Vagrantfile to launch Ubuntu Trusty64 Virtual machine is as follows:
# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.define "test" do |testnode1| = "williamyeh/ubuntu-trusty64-docker" testnode1.vm.hostname="" "private_network", ip: "" end config.vm.synced_folder "F:/Softwares", "/u01/app/software" config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.memory = "4096" end endAfter Vagrant up looks like this
In the Trusty64 terminal the shell script will be executed first time. Next time onwards it will verify and shows message already executed.
Note that this vagrant box built-in with docker, and when you start the box it will automatically brings up the docker-engine.
How do I know docker installed?
Using docker info you will get to know about the docker version, status and information about daemon how much memory, CPU are allotted for it.
docker info
The docker info command execution |
How do I check docker engine running?
Using regular Linux service command will tell about docker engine. Of-course docker info already tells the same in one of the line.
service docker status
Checking docker service status |
Lets do dockerization
There are multiple docker commands which help you to create docker images, pull them from the global repository. Docker images will be used to generate docker containers. Here image is like blueprint and the container is like object of the blueprint.docker search oraclelinux
docker search for oraclelinux image in public registry |
Once you found your desired image then you can use pull command on docker engine then docker image will be visible.
docker pull oraclelinux7
docker pull oraclelinux-7 |
docker images
docker images list including oraclelinux-7 |
We can run the docker container from the pulled images, here we are interested on oraclelinux-7 image.
docker run -i -t --name orawls --hostname dnraikes/oraclelinux-7:latest /bin/bash